Add Your Profile | Advertising & PR

BiographyVilla is a source of Celebrities’ biographies, Wiki, and other Information. This website focuses on providing the Biography of Famous people in various fields. Therefore, we are glad to inform you that BiographyVilla would love to add your profile and boost your public relations (PR).

Requirements for Adding Profile

  1. You should be a famous person or influencer in any field.
  2. Your name should have appeared in any famous News website’s post or Newspaper, or you are well-known as an Influencer. (You must send us the URL of the publications that featured you).
  3. You must provide the information and images you want to put in your BiographyVilla profile. [Also, if you provide your primary information, our Editorial team can expand it further].
  4. You need to send a copy of your ID Proof to verify your profile.
  5. The price or amount for Creating & Adding a user Profile on our site is: $70 [excluding taxes]

If you qualify the criteria, you can send us an email at: [email protected]